隔週セール実施中! 実店舗で取り扱っているセール商品をお買い求めいただけます!


For all Online Store orders

The shipping fee is determined by the total amount of items purchased and the delivery area.

Shipping fee schedule

Item total amount West area Mid area East (and other) area Calculation
Less than $40 $5.00 $7.00 $9.00 Flat fee
$40 and over 10% 15% 20% % of item total amount

Delivery areas

West Mid East (and others)

CA - California

NV - Nevada

AZ - Arizona

UT - Utah

WA - Washington

OR - Oregon

ID - Idaho

MT - Montana

WY - Wyoming

CO - Colorado

NM - New Mexico

ND - North Dakota

SD - South Dakota

NE - Nebraska

KS - Kansas

OK - Oklahoma

TX - Texas

All other states, including AK, HI and PR.


Since we are located in Torrance, CA, we incur greater cost to ship to areas further away in distance. Therefore we have structured our shipping fee as in the table above. We devide 50 states into 3 delivery areas: West, Mid and East. These areas have different shipping fee rates from one another. The final shipping fee is calculated with a rate based on the total amount of items ordered. The delivery area is determined by the state of the delivery address of your order. The combination of delivery area and item total amount determines the actual rate applied to calculate the shipping fee.

Example: your order is for a delivery address in Seattle, WA. The total amount of items in the order is $35 ("item total amount"). Then the shipping fee will be $7.00, which is a flat fee for item total amount of up to $40 and for the Mid area, which Seattle belongs to.

Example 2: If the order is for the same address, but the item total amount is $80, then the shipping fee is $12, which is 15% of the item total amount.